Andy Guerra, Director of Construction Defect and Litigation for Charles Taylor Engineering Technical Services, will be a panelist for the CLM (Claims and Litigation Management Alliance) Construction Conference in Austin, Texas. 

A Brave New World: Liability and Risk in 3D Printed Construction

The plethora of construction-related variables and often difficult to harmonize requirements often lead to disputes and litigation. 3D printed construction has the potential to make meeting the wants and needs of the construction industry easier to achieve with greater precision and fewer errors. But nothing is perfect and new technologies can bring new failures to consider: What happens when 3D printed construction fails to deliver? Is it a construction defect or a product liability? Does the fault lie with the contractor, the designer, the manufacturer, or maybe the software engineer that programmed the printer? This CLM construction conference panel will explore the challenges facing insurance, legal, and forensic experts navigating this new technology, including questions of evaluation of claims, coverage, and risk management in the new world of 3D printed construction.


Other panelists include:

  • Dannette Beck, USI Insurance Services
  • Catherine Naltsas, Lynberg & Watkins
  • Elisabeth Morris, Van De Poel, Levy, Thomas LLP